Updates from Kuwait and Iraq
Theme Music
Saturday, July 19, 2003
Got some pictures from the July 4th BBQ:
The red polka-dotted cap should be familliar to everyone. If not, well, that's LoA underneath it. Next to him is an unidentified North oil Company employee and LoA's boss, Mr. Cox.
Cpt. Conner working the grill.
One of the SWFteam, P Sisler, teaches some Iraqis how to bake an apple pie.
The BBQ was held at the Northern Oil Company Country club, a facility originally built by the Brits. Security was provided by soldiers of the 101st, who also partook of the festivities. According to LoA, "those boys can really put away the chow!" Unfortunatley the wood and BBQ sauces did not arrive in time, but they can always throw another BBQ.